Oklahoma State University


Introduction to Microbiology -MICR 2123 (Summer-2015)

Mon, Tue, Wed, Thur: 12–1.15 PM; Rm 103 LSW


Instructor: Dr. Babu Fathepure

421 Life Science East

Office hours: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thur @ 10 -12 AM or by appointment

Email: babu.fathepure@Okstate.edu


Purpose of this course: This course provides an introduction to the general principles of microbiology including the microbial cell and its structure, growth and metabolism, physiology, genetics, microbial classification, impact of microbes on man and the environment and basic laboratory techniques.


Required Text: Microbiology: An Evolving Science. 3nd Edition.  Joan L. Slonczewski and John W. Foster. W.W. Norton & Company, New York


Prerequisites: One year of Chemistry (CHEM 1225) and Biology (BIOL 1114). Please see me if you have not completed these prerequisite courses.


WWW Site: A variety of materials are made available to the class via the Internet. Microbiology 2123's web page is posted at http://environmentalmicrobiology.okstate.edu. I strongly encourage you to visit this site at least once a week for class notes and updates, etc. 


Examinations and Grading:

There will be TWO mid-term examinations and ONE comprehensive final examination. Pop-Quizzes will be given randomly throughout the semester at the end of the lecture. There will be 8 quizzes and each quiz is worth 10 points. A make up quiz will not be given under any circumstance. 


Make up exams:

Make-up policy will be strictly enforced and there will be no exceptions! There are no Make-up exams. If you miss an exam with no proper excuse you will receive a ZERO on that exam. Make-up exams will only be allowed following a prior approval by the professor except in the case of sudden illness, death of a family member or university authorized activities military and commitment. Serious illness must be documented by a signed, written explanation from your physician on an acceptable letterhead. All physicians' notes will be verified by telephone. Letterhead must include the physician's office telephone number. Appropriate notes from the Student Health Center will be accepted and will be verified. If you have already missed one exam, for each makeup exam thereafter, you will lose 50 points from your final grade. There will be no exceptions to this policy!



Students are expected to attend all classes. Come to every class prepared. Studies have shown that student absenteeism is one of the greatest factors contributing to the student dropout and poor performance. I expect students to ask and answer questions to clarify their understanding. Full attendance is worth 70 points (7 % of final grades). Attendance will be taken during the lecture period. The students missing 20 % lectures will receive “ZERO” points for the attendance. This policy will be strictly enforced. Classes will begin promptly at 12 noon, so you are anticipated to arrive to the class on time. 


Grading: Final grades will be based on the total of in-class actvity points (1,000). Grades will be determined as follows:


- 2-Midterms, each 250 pts (50 %)

- 8 Pop Quizzes, 80 pts (8 %)

- Attendance, 70 pts (7 %)

- 1-Final 350 pts (35 %)


The final grade will be based on your attendance and performances in pop-quizzes and all tests. All grades are final except in the case of mathematical errors. Final grades will assigned as follows: A = 90 – 100 %; B = 80 – 89 %; C = 70 – 79 %;D = 60 – 69 %; and F = < 60 %


Academic dishonesty: University policy will be strictly enforced. Students caught cheating will receive a"0" grade for that examination, quiz or homework. General norms of polite behavior will be expected. Inappropriate behavior during class time and interference with the learning of the others will not be tolerated. I anticipate everyone will come to the class on time. 


Cellular Telephones and Pagers: Cellular telephones and pagers must be TURNED OFF before entering class. Failure to do so will lead to a deduction of 10 points from your final grade for each incidence incurred.


Text Book Reading Assignments: Lectures will highlight interesting and important points from the chapters taught. Points maybe covered in lectures that are not in the textbook. You will be held responsible for all material assigned from the textbook and lectures, whether it is covered in the class or not.


Add/Drop: Standard university policies will be followed; refer to your class syllabus