Oklahoma State University

Tentative Lecture Syllabus -Spring 2010
9.30 – 10.20 AM, MWF, Room NRC 108

Dr. Babu Fathepure
421 Life Science East
Office Hours: By appointment Tuesday and Thursday 10 AM –11 AM.

PURPOSE OF THE COURSE: This course will build on the knowledge that you acquired in Introductory Microbiology or other basic microbiology course. The purpose of this course is to provide the students with a firm understanding of microbes, microbial physiology, and genetics. Here we will discuss the formation and function of subcellular structures. Bacterial growth, metabolism, and energy generation will be presented thoroughly. In addition, basic understanding of bacterial adaptive life-styles such as autotrophic and anaerobic growth and ecology will be discussed in this course. The primary goal of this course is to develop the knowledge for the person interested in the study of microbiology as their major field. Also, this course is important to students studying food science, agriculture, and environmental sciences.

PREREQUISITES: The only official prerequisite for this course is Introduction to Microbiology (MICR 2123). However, students need to have completed Freshman Chemistry and Introductory Biology (prerequisites to MICR 2123).

TEXTBOOK REQUIRED: Prescott, Harley, D.A. Klein’s Microbiology by Willey, J.M., L.M. Sherwood, and C.J. Woolverton. 7th Edition. McGraw-Hills, New York, NY.

WEBPAGE: http://microbiology.okstate.edu/courses/micro3223_fathepu. Lecture notes will be posted on this page the day before the lecture (or earlier). These notes will not contain all the material you will need to know. You will be responsible for knowing all the material covered in the lectures and textbook.

EXAMINATIONS & GRADING: Two in-term examinations and a comprehensive final examination. Pop-Quizzes will be given randomly throughout the semester at the end of the lecture. There will 8 quizzes and each quiz is worth 10 points. Final grades will be based on your performance in the class tests and pop quizzes. Grades will be determined as follows:

In-Class Quizzes 8 @ 10 points = 80 points
In-Term Examinations 2 @250 points = 500 points
Final Examination = 400 points
Attendance = 20 points

Grand Total = 1,000 points

Grade Type: Letter grades will be assigned as follows:

A = 90-100 %
B = 80-89 %
C = 70-79 %
D = 60-69 %
F = 0 –59 %

ACADEMIC DISHONESTY AND CLASSROOM DECORUM: University policy will be strictly enforced. Dishonesty during an examination will be a basis for an “F” grade for the entire course. All participants in this class are expected conduct themselves as courteous adults all the times. General norms of polite behavior will be expected. Inappropriate behavior and interference during class period will not be tolerated.
Cellular telephones and pagers must be turned off before entering the class.

MAKEUP EXAMINATIONS: Make-up policy will be strictly enforced and there will be no exceptions! Make-up examinations will only be allowed following discussion with the professor prior to the scheduled examination time except in the case of sudden illness or death of a closest family member. Serious illness must be documented by a signed, written explanation from your physician on acceptable letterhead. All physicians’ notes will be verified by telephone. Letterhead must include the physician’s office telephone number. Appropriate notes from the Student Health Center will be accepted and will be verified. If you have already missed one exam, for each makeup exam thereafter you will lose 5% of your final grade.

TEXT BOOK READING ASSIGNMENTS: Lectures will only highlight interesting and important points from the chapters taught. Points maybe covered in lectures that are not in the textbook. You will be held responsible for all material assigned from the textbook and lectures, whether it is covered in the class or not.

ADDITIONAL POLICY INFORMATION: Additional information can be obtained from the class schedule for spring 2010.